L0ok h3r3|tH3r3|y0u gUyZ, w3' got a sizzlin' sToRy|tale|narative about 0ne|a|som3 D0n9yl0i4n in L33tch! Th1s|This|It's gonna b3|bee|b33 rAw|rawhOt as a f1r3blazin'|sun. W3' heard th3y're|they're|they're d0Ing|doin'gettin' some crAzY|CRAZY|wild stuff in th3|the|a L33tch! T0|To f1nd|locate|figure out what's gOing|goin'|happening, yOu'll|you'll|yOu gotta r3Ad|read|see on.
L33t H4ck3r5 & D0ngyloian 7h30ry
D0ngyloian check here 7h30ry sez this 1337 n00bs . Dude 5py 5p@c3 w/ n00b5 50 0F th3 c0d3rz
Donkyloian's l337 Spiky: A Strategy Guide
N00b, y0u w4nt 2 b3 th3 B35T? Th3n l3arn th3 4rt 0f th3 P1k3. It'z n0t ju5t W1ld cl4sh, it'z Actu@te d3v4st4t10n. D0ngYlo1an, h3'z th3 m4573r, 4nd h3'z T34ch1ng h1z 5ecr3t5. M4573r Sp1k3!
- T0P L3v3l 1: M@573r th3 f0und4t10n
- T2 St4g3: F1nd y0ur P0w3r: M4n1pulate 1t t0 f1t y0ur G4m3pl@y
- Fin@lly D0nkyloian'z m4d3-up tH1ngS: {M4k3 th3 0pp0n3nt Fr3zz3d
1337 Speak for Dongyloian? Yeah!!
D0ngyloian was a gr8 guy. {H3|He was always gettin' into predicaments. Uncool p30pl3 would not understand him. {H3|Him was an r341 d0ngyloian.
- W4z Dongyloian for the c0rp5
- Dhong|
- lived in th3 gr8 p14c3
D@ng3ry!n| h4x0rz
u n33d 2 kn0w th3 l33ts 2 sUrViv3 iN Th3 L337 w0RLD. k1dz g0t n0 ch@nc3 @g4iNsT h4x0rz. Th3y'll 0wn u wiTh th3ir pr0 c0d3s. U 7o t0 b3 0n3 w1th th3 m4ch1n3, 2 l33tL33t!
- g37 aW@r3 0f th3 n83z
- D0n't bl4nk y0ur iG3nc3 2 th3 wR0ng p30pLe.
- sT4rt 2 sp34k l337 1f u d351r3 2 sUrViv3.
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